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When a Pastor Mortgages His Ministry

How Should We Respond?

Today’s headlines reveal that yet another prominent Dallas area Pastor has stepped down from his ministry as the result of an inappropriate relationship. This is not only unfortunate, but tragic. I do not know him personally, but have a number of common friends who have been greatly impacted through his ministry.

It is heartbreaking when any believer falls, but the ripple effect seems so much broader when that person has held a position of overseer.

A few months ago I shared some thoughts as to how we as followers of Christ should respond when we hear of a Pastor or Christian leader who has been discharged from his ministry. I feel it’s profitable to revisit these thoughts in light of this latest disappointment.

Surely we have all heard the insightful phrase, “there for the Grace of God go I.” This statement has been attributed to several great men, including John Bradford - the English Chaplain who was imprisoned and eventually martyred in 1555 for preaching the Word of God.

It would be wise for each one of us to follow the counsel of Bradford and insert our own name in that phrase regarding any adversity, including the tragedy of the sin of another : “there for the grace of God go_________.”

Let’s purpose to remain grounded in His Word, relying of His grace through the power of the Holy Spirit as we aim to stand strong as a Christ follower … we cannot do this on our own in this sin saturated world.

He who saved us and called us to a holy calling, not because of our works but because of his own purpose and grace, which he gave us in Christ Jesus before the ages began … Follow the pattern of the sound words that you have heard from me, in the faith and love that are in Christ Jesus. By the Holy Spirit who dwells within us, guard the good deposit entrusted to you (2 Timothy 1.9,13,14).

Let’s be praying for this Pastor, his family and the body of believers in which he has served.

There but for the grace of God …

Pastor John

Live the Word, Box 1729, Coppell TX 75019

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